Health & Safety

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our staff, contractors, visitors and stakeholders. Indeed, “safety” is one of our core values and we aim to ensure that we provide a safe working environment at all times. We continually review and update our safety policies, procedures and standards across all our operations and ensure that the policies and procedures are clearly communicated across the board. We hold training sessions regularly to further drive home our core safety principles and processes.

Environment and Climate Change

At Ma’adanai, we are stewards and custodians of the environment in which we operate. Our commitment to the environment we operate in is evidenced by our operations from commencement of a project and beyond the conclusion of the project. To this end, we constantly balance our commercial interests with the protection of the environment and always ensure that the environment takes precedence over our commercial interests- this is the essence of the environmental stewardship we are committed to. Given our commitment to the environment, we continually evaluate project opportunities on a case-by-case basis in line with the tenets of our Environmental Policy which we regularly revise. As part of the policy, we have also set as a priority, innovations in mining operations that enable us to include renewable energy resources in our operations wherever we can. Our goal is zero harm, zero waste, and zero carbon emissions. We continue to work assiduously towards achieving these objectives.


We aim to set an example in terms of the culture enshrined in our organization. Our environment enables our employees to thrive; they are given the freedom to express themselves and this enables the development of new ideas, and new ways of working and ultimately deriving value for our stakeholders while enjoying the work they do. Our culture rewards excellence and this is why we have achieved what we have so far. You know “Ma’adanai” people when you see them due to the culture we have managed to cultivate over the years.